Week 50 - Clinton, Oklahoma - June 17, 2013

Mi querida familia,
This week has been humbling, and successful. At the start, our companionship, was struggling. We didn't struggle with getting along, but we weren't finding anyone to teach. We also felt like we were starting to lose faith.
So we felt impressed to read an MTC talk by Elder McAlister from the presidency of the 70 about being a consecrated missionary. As we read it aloud during companionship study, we felt...kindly rebuked. The part we felt expecially rebuked on was on the fact that a consecrated missionary talks with everybody. We realized that we had not been making all the efforts to talk to everyone we meet. We also had not been expressing gratitude for the miracles we had seen.
So as a companionship, we said a special prayer expressing gratitude for our miracles, and humbly asking for new investigators and people teach. That same day we were riding our bikes and saw that we were about to pass a 15 year old. Normally, I think we would have passed him up, but because he had this prayer in our hearts, we pulled over and talked to him. He was awkward. We prayed with him. WE didn't get a return appointment, because he was a little weirded out, and his mom wasn't too religious. But we asked him for referrals, and he sent us to go visit his friend a few blocks down. We then visited his friend. Turns out, him and has mom had met with missionaries before and had fell out of contact because they moved. The next day we taught them the Restoration, and they seem more ready to accpet the Gospel. I don't know if I'll see them get baptized, but the thing we learned was that you truly do need a contrite spirit and broken heart in order for repentance to count, otherwise I don't think the Lord would have blessed with so many new investigators this week.
I also realize, that just because we had a good week, doesn't mean that we are done or even consecrated yet. We need to now endure to the end and keep up talking with everyone we meet.
This week we also found two more investigators. They are a mother and her 18 year old daughter. We taught them the first lesson and they accepted the message pretty well. I hate to say it but, we had met them a few weeks earlier but didn't think much of trying to teach them. I guess we judged them. When we judge we really do place a pavilion around the Lord's ability to do missionary work.
Life is great. The work goes on. I got to conduct my first baptismal interview this week, with a 10 year old kid from the sister missionaries in our district. It was interesting, to ask him about things like the Law of Chastity and abortion, and such. But as I met with him, I was really impressed with his testimony and excitement to change. HIs baptism is actually really cool because, he is the son of a less active couple and this baptism seems to have helped them return to activity.
I cannot explain fully in this email how this week has been so transitional in my mission. Repentance is real. It requires effort and courage. Even when you think you are doing a good job, repentance still may be required. Always be repenting!
I love this Gospel and my Savior Jesus Christ who has the power to help us overcome feelings of guilt and shame. We can change and leave behind our sins.
Have a great week!
Con Amor,
Elder Powley 

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